North Cambridge Trail Engagement
Cambridge, MA
TYPE: Community Engagement
DATE: 2022
Client: City of Cambridge
Project Team: HDR Inc., Halvorson Design
Our rendering of new path and signage, for planning and publicity
Neighborways Design equitably engaged more than 582 Cambridge residents for the redesign of Cambridge’s beloved Alewife Linear Park and also the design of a new Danehy Connector Path.
Complementing online surveying conducted by the City of Cambridge, Community Builders from Neighborways Design administered 160 in-person at locations and times which allowed for community members who are traditionally left out of public processes - non-white, low income and non-working age (under 18 and over 65) residents - to contribute to the project designs.
During surveying, residents expressed strong desires for the design of clean, cool open spaces that offered opportunities for environmental resilience, education and communal gathering.
Cambridge youth participating in the lemonade stand survey activity
Residents share their hopes and desires for Alewife Linear Park’s redesign
We also engaged more than 422 residents about the path’s designs during two open-house events modeled after traditional neighborhood themes. The “Lemonade Social” and a “Paint the Path Party” events were hosted by the project sites for two days of youth-friendly activities, snacks, and participatory design by people of all ages and abilities.
61% of attendees were under the age of 18, an age group that is traditionally left out of public processes, who expressed a strong preference for play- and activity-oriented design.