Main Street Meadow Projects
Everett, MA
TYPE: Cooling Urban Heat Islands
DATE: 2022
Client: City of Everett
Project Team: City of Everett, MAPC, Diggers Cooperative, Moyer Engineering
Our rendering of proposed meadow project with amenities, for planning and publicity
The City of Everett was awarded $36,250 as part of the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) 2022 COVID-Safe Cooling Strategies Grant Program to cool one of the city’s hottest heat islands. This project will have lasting impact, creating shade from gardens and trees to cool the area for older and young neighbors and families, and creating a destination to visit, enjoy, and connect with the community.
The heat island will be transformed into an oasis for native birds, butterflies, bees and neighbors! The project includes:
New sidewalk, crossings, and seating
Native trees, wildflowers, meadows and sensory gardens
Miyawaki forest for habitat & ecosystem restoration
Nature playscape and recreation spaces
Two nature-inspired murals by Everett Artist @JayLapo
Artist’s Rendering of meadow with path, art, lighting, and seating
Artist’s Rendering of path at entrance to the new park, with bike rack and benches.
The City targeted this location for cooling to provide shade and relief to older residents who are some of the most vulnerable populations during heatwaves.
“Before” shot of heat island location- summer temperatures over 110 degrees
Lot plan showing color-coded plantings and amenities, new crosswalks and pedestrian access.
Neighborways assisted with planning and rendering, signage and community outreach.
Below the plan is a street-view rendering of how the area will look, to scale.
Artists Rendering of entrance to meadow, with signage and bike rack
Signage for community outreach shows map & rendering of proposed green space
Crew of local artists prepare a mural wall
Completed mural
Work Begins
New pedestrian path
Retaining wall mural