Ward 2: Waldo Ave, Dimick Street, and Marion Street
Somerville, MA
Neighborway Traffic Calming Intersection
ARTIST: Liz LaManche
FUNDING: Somerville Arts Council
Dimick Street at Waldo and Marion is a wide intersection of 5 streets. Because of the urban appearance of the dense housing all around, it was decided to paint a “Garden” of flowers and rounded, natural shapes. The block party Paint Day was a huge success and the entire design got filled in during a roughly 5-hour neighborhood event. The mural was repainted during another block party in September of 2018, and the residents are currently moving forward with plans for more traffic calming, the installation of a bicycle rack and more trees along (and possibly in) the street.
The painting was designed in collaboration with the neighborhood residents’ group, who canvassed the area for feedback and support. The goal was to beautify this somewhat urban intersection, and give drivers a reason to slow down and consider their path, introducing the idea of a new regulated traffic flow and no-parking zones near corners and curb cuts.

Our Process
The Design:
Initially we’d explored various geometric ideas, but while meeting in the space, it became clear to all of us that the street and buildings were already a very geometric, manmade environment. What the residents wanted to do was add more natural color and shape, as with the street trees they were requesting from the city. So the “garden” theme emerged. This also lent itself to the shaped areas of decoration near the curbs defining our desired traffic paths and quiet areas.
Time lapse of Dimick St. Paint Day
Artist’s concept of the intersection with traffic paths