Artistic Traffic Calming
Malden, MA
TYPE: Artistic Traffic Calming
DATE: 2022
Client: City of Malden
Before and after images showing treatments to the intersection of Bell Rock Street @ Madison Street
Neighborways Design was hired by the City of Malden to lead the participatory design and installation of the community’s first artistic traffic calming project.
The intersection selected, at the corners of Madison St and Bell Rock Street, has an outdated curb design, and caused dangerous speeding and turning movements by motor vehicle users, endangering the safety and lives of the neighborhood’s intergenerational residents.
After having conducted initial field work and developed a conceptual design for the intersection, Neighborways facilitated a Lemonade Social community gathering, where residents discussed their hopes and dreams for the project and selected a floral-themed mural to help beautify the installation’s traffic calming elements.
Once an initial layout of the design was conducted by Neighborways, community members came out on a beautiful fall day to complete the design, eat delicious food from a local restaurant, and create new memories while making improvements to the intersection.
Observations and data will be collected while the project is installed in order to inform the intersection's complete reconstruction in the near future.
Residents attending the Lemonade Social community engagement event
City staff and residents at the Paint Day Block Party